Monday, October 5, 2015

Texting While Driving Lab Report

Texting and Driving Experiment
The purpose of this experiment was to find the displacement of your car when you send a text (LOL) to your friend while driving. We did this by choosing a constant speed that we would be traveling at and what kind of phone we would use to respond, but everything else was a variable which made the experiment hard.
Raw Data:
Time for text                Speed of car
7.15s                            60 mph
8.1s                              60 mph
5s                                 60 mph
Avg. 6.75                    60 mph
Graph Conformation:
This graph shows the relationship between the velocity of the car and the time in which it took to send the text. The times are varied because of our own human inconsistency in the text time. We tried to mitigate this variation by taking an average of all of the trials (6.75 seconds). The velocity in our equation was a constant because we figured the speed limit on the highway should be about 60 mph.  


We used the equation v=d/t to find the distance in which the car traveled. We manipulated the equation so we got vt = d. We used a constant velocity of 60 mph, and took an average time (6.75s) for the text to get the final distance of 0.1125 miles. This distance in more understandable terms is 594 feet. While you drive down the interstate, you will move almost 600 feet while sending your “lol” text to a friend.

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